
SQL Data Warehouse
Automatically send cleansed data to an SQL Data Warehouse, such as Microsoft Azure.

Use the Google Maps API to cleanse and geocode addresses.

Company names
Use fuzzy matching to identify clash. Join financial data to risks to build proprietary insights.

Bordereaux portal
MGAs can submit cleansed monthly bordereaux direct to carriers through Quantemplate.

Risk model
Transform your data to feed catastrophe risk models such as RMS or AIR.

Policy admin
Transform bordereaux data to Duck Creek Technologies’ schema and automatically hand off via API.

Predictive analytics
Transform your incoming data to feed analytics on emerging risks.

SQL Data Warehouse
Automatically send cleansed data to an SQL Data Warehouse, such as Microsoft Azure.

Use the Google Maps API to cleanse and geocode addresses.

Company names
Use fuzzy matching to identify clash. Join financial data to risks to build proprietary insights.

Policy admin
Transform bordereaux data to Duck Creek Technologies’ schema and automatically hand off via API.

SQL Data Warehouse
Automatically send cleansed data to an SQL Data Warehouse, such as Microsoft Azure.

Use the Google Maps API to cleanse and geocode addresses.

Company names
Use fuzzy matching to identify clash. Join financial data to risks to build proprietary insights.

Bordereaux portal
MGAs can submit cleansed monthly bordereaux direct to carriers through Quantemplate.

Use the Google Maps API to cleanse and geocode addresses.

Bordereaux portal
MGAs can submit cleansed monthly bordereaux direct to carriers through Quantemplate.

Risk model
Transform your data to feed catastrophe risk models such as RMS or AIR.

Policy admin
Transform bordereaux data to Duck Creek Technologies’ schema and automatically hand off via API.

Predictive analytics
Transform your incoming data to feed analytics on emerging risks.

Bordereaux portal
MGAs can submit cleansed monthly bordereaux direct to carriers through Quantemplate.

Risk model
Transform your data to feed catastrophe risk models such as RMS or AIR.

Predictive analytics
Transform your incoming data to feed analytics on emerging risks.
We’re adding new connectors all the time.